86 research outputs found


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    This paper proposed a fuzzy logic based mobile robot as implemented in a multimicrocontroller system. Fuzzy logic controller was developed based on a behavior based approach. The Controller inputs were obtained from seven sonar sensor and three tactile switches. Behavior based approach was implemented in different level priority of behaviors. The behaviors were: obstacle avoidance, wall following and escaping as the emergency behavior. The results show that robot was able to navigate autonomously and avoid the entire obstacle

    Sistem Pengolah Musik Sebagai Kontrol Gerak Robot Humanoid

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    Pada Kontes Robot Seni Tari Indonesia (KRSTI), mengharuskan peserta untuk dapat membuat robot yang dapat menari secara otomatis dengan diiringi alunan musik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat robot humanoid yang dapat menari ketika musik pengiring diputar dan berhenti ketika musik berhenti. Penelitian ini menggunakan IC MSGEQ7 sebagai pengolah musik karena IC ini dapat membaca nilai frekuensi musik secara detail sebanyak tujuh frekuensi yaitu frekuensi 63Hz; 16Hz; 400Hz, 1kHz; 2,5kHz; 6,25kHz; dan 16kHz. Ketujuh frekuensi tersebut dijadikan acuan sebagai isyarat robot untuk bergerak atau berhenti. Penentuan frekuensi sebagai isyarat gerak didapat melalui sampling musik Tari Remo menggunakan perangkat lunak Matlab dengan metode FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). Isyarat gerak tersebut dikirimkan ke sistem robot melalui Modul Bluetooth HC-05. Jika sistem robot mendapat isyarat untuk bergerak maka robot akan menggerakkan servo penggerak menjadi gerakan yang serasi. Hasil yang didapat dari pengujian adalah dapat diketahui frekuensi yang sering muncul pada musik tari remo yaitu pada frekuensi 0-4000Hz. Setelah frekuensi diketahui, implementasi pada robot memperoleh hasil robot dapat menari ketika musik diputar dan robot dapat berhenti ketika musik dihentikan.At the Indonesian Dance Robot Contest (KRSTI), it requires participants to be able to make robots that can dance automatically accompanied by music. The purpose of this study is to create a humanoid robot that can dance when the accompaniment music is playing and stop when the music stops. This study uses IC MSGEQ7 as a music processor because this IC can read music frequency values in detail as many as seven frequencies namely 63Hz frequency; 16Hz; 400Hz, 1kHz; 2.5kHz; 6.25kHz; and 16kHz. The seven frequencies are used as a reference as a robot signal to move or stop. The determination of the frequency as a gesture is obtained through the sampling of Remo Dance music using Matlab software with the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) method. These motion signals are sent to the robot system via the Bluetooth Module HC-05. If the robot system gets a signal to move, the robot will move the servo drive into a matching movement. The results obtained from testing are the frequency that often appears in Remo dance music, namely the frequency 0-4000Hz. After the frequency is known, the implementation of the robot obtains the results that the robot can dance when the music is playing and the robot can stop when the music is stopped

    Alat Pengecek Sampah Pendaki Gunung Berbasis Raspberry Pi 3 dan Barcode Scanner

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    The problem that is often encountered on many hiking trails is the lack of environmental awareness from the climber, which leads to trash littering. This study aims to design and develop a Raspberry Pi 3 Based Mountaineer Garbage Check Tool and Barcode Scanner that can help mountain managers to overcome the amount of garbage on the mountain. Raspberry Pi 3 is used to run various functions that can execute programs against an application. A Barcode scanner is used to read the code on the barcode. After the barcode scanner reads the code on the barcode, the code will be sent to the Raspberry Pi 3 and displayed on the monitor. This tool requires Java Netbeans, used to create applications in which there are various kinds of menus, including the Data Menu, Data Items, and Reports. The results of the application test in this study indicate that all forms can run well according to their respective duties and functions. The results of the barcode reading test on light intensity show that if the light intensity value is 0 LUX, the reading distance is 1-50 cm, while if the light intensity value is 10569-20338 LUX, the reading distance is 1-5 cm. This tool can be used for 6 hours 36 minutes. The climber's garbage checker that has been designed can work well. The resulting database of the application is stored regularly in PhpMyAdmin. Permasalahan yang sering dijumpai saat mendaki gunung yaitu kurangnya kesadaran para pendaki untuk menjaga lingkungan, masih banyak pendaki meninggalkan sampah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan mengembangkan Alat Pengecek Sampah Pendaki Gunung Berbasis Raspberry Pi 3 dan Barcode Scanner yang dapat membantu pengelola gunung untuk mengatasi banyaknya sampah di gunung. Raspberry Pi 3 digunakan untuk menjalankan berbagai macam fungsi yang dapat mengeksekusi program terhadap sebuah aplikasi. Barcode scanner digunakan untuk membaca kode pada Barcode. Setelah barcode scanner membaca kode pada barcode, maka kode akan dikirim ke Raspberry Pi 3 dan ditampilkan pada monitor. Alat ini memerlukan Java Netbeans, digunakan untuk membuat aplikasi yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai macam menu, di antaranya yaitu Menu Data, Data Barang, dan Laporan. Hasil uji aplikasi dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semua form dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsi masing-masing. Hasil uji pembacaan barcode terhadap intensitas cahaya menunjukkan bahwa jika nilai intensitas cahaya 0 LUX maka jarak baca sebesar 1-50 cm, sedangkan jika nilai intensitas cahaya 10569-20338 LUX maka jarak baca sebesar 1-5 cm. Alat ini dapat digunakan selama 6 jam 35 menit. Alat pengecek sampah pendaki yang telah dirancang dapat bekerja dengan baik. Database hasil dari aplikasi tersimpan dengan teratur pada PhpMyAdmin

    Monitoring Power Usage on Humanoid Robot Wirelessly Using the INA219 Sensor

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    Currently, humanoid robot power measurements are only carried out when there is a robot's movement that is weakened or unable to move optimally. This is considered to be less than optimal in preventing damage/weakness of the robot's movement. The monitoring device is installed on each part of the humanoid robot, namely the hands and feet, then it will send the current and voltage results via the wireless system. The current sensor used is an INA219 type which is calibrated with a resistor. The power supply used is 12.6 V and the resistors for calibration are 15 Ohm, 18 Ohm, 22 Ohm, 39 Ohm, 47 Ohm, 56 Ohm with each resistor having a power resistance of 5W. The INA219 sensor can read the current, voltage, and power values of the resistor even though there are still differences when compared to multimeter measuring instruments. The results of sensor calibration with a resistor will be used as a comparison when monitoring the humanoid robot. NodeMCU ESP8266 as a microcontroller and wi-fi module. The web server can operate properly when there is a connection. Monitoring runs in real-time for 1 second to refresh data. In the results obtained in all tests, all INA219 sensors can work but are less accurate. For smooth wireless communication and in accordance with research objectives

    Machine Vision-based Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots, especially humanoid robot, is an essential ability for the robot to perform in its environment. This ability based on the colour recognition capability of the barrier or obstacle and the field, as well as the ability to perform movements avoiding the barrier, detected when the robot detects an obstacle in its path. This research develops a detection system of barrier objects and a field with a colour range in HSV format and extracts the edges of barrier objects with the FindContoure method at a threshold filter value. The filter results are then processed using the Bounding Rect method so that the results are obtained from the object detection coordinate extraction. The test results detect the colour of the barrier object with OpenCV is 100%, the movement test uses the processing of the object's colour image and robot direction based on the contour area value> 12500 Pixels, the percentage of the robot making edging motion through the red barrier object is 80% and the contour area testing <12500 pixel is 70% of the movement of the robot forward approaching the barrier object

    Implementation of Wireless Communication System in R-SCUAD Humanoid Soccer Robot with Checksum Error Detection Method Based on UDP Protocol

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    This paper describes the communication system in the pattern of soccer games on the humanoid robot R-SCUAD. The communication system is an important part in the game of football. Along with the development of technology, robots are required to play soccer like humans, dribbling, kicking, running and coordinating well with their team. The communication system discussed in this paper is the process of sending and receiving data from one robot to another, assisted by a server. Beginning with robot 1 sending data to the server and forwarded to robot 2 or vice versa. The protocol used for this communication system is User Datagram Protocol (UDP) because UDP has several characteristics that support the occurrence of communication robots such as connection-less and unreliable. These two characteristics strongly support the communication system to be built. The checksum error detection method is a method used to detect errors in the R-SCUAD Robot communication system. The results show that the communication system built on the robot has been successfully implemented. From the test results it can be concluded that the success of the communication system is 98%
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